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Send messages from Google Sheets using Python


In this tutorial, you'll learn how to send messages to phone numbers stored in a Google Sheets CSV file using Python, the requests library, and the CrossTrack API. We will download the CSV file from Google Sheets, read the phone numbers and messages, and then send them using the CrossTrack API.

This article is just a small taste of all the API features. Explore dozens of use cases and ready-to-use code examples here.


Install required packages

First, create a new directory for your project and navigate to it in your terminal. Then, run the following commands to install the necessary libraries:

pip install requests pandas

Prepare the Google Sheets CSV file

Create a new Google Sheets document and fill it with two columns:

  • First column: phone number in E164 format with the country prefix.
  • Second column: text message to send to the target phone number.

The Google Sheets document should have at least two columns and look like:

Phone number Message body
+1234567890 👋 Welcome to {{your-business-name}}! Thanks for signing up. We are just a message away!
+1234567890 💐 Your order has been shipped. Tracking number is {{tracking-number}}. Don't hesitate to reach out to if you need help! 🤗

The equivalent Sheets document exported as CSV should look like this:

+1234567890,"👋 Welcome to {{your-business-name}}! Thanks for signing up. We are just a message away!"
+1234567890,"💐 Your order has been shipped. Tracking number is {{tracking-number}}. Don't hesitate to reach out to if you need help! 🤗"

Get the download URL of your Google Sheets document

  1. Click on "File" in the top left corner.
  2. Go to "Share" > "Publish to the web".
  3. In the "Link" tab, select "Comma-separated values (.csv)" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Select the desired sheet page with the relevant data: by default the first one.
  5. Click on "Publish" and copy the URL.

Send text messages

Create a new file named in your project directory and add the following code:

import requests
import pandas as pd

# Replace this with the URL of your published Google Sheets CSV file
# See the indications above to obtain the Google Sheets download URL to enter here
google_sheets_csv_url = 'ENTER_GOOGLE_SHEETS_CSV_URL_HERE'

# Replace this with your CrossTrack API token
# Get your API token here:

# Optionally specify the target WhatsApp device ID connected to CrossTrack
# you want to use for messages delivery (24 characters hexadecimal value)

# Define the headers for the API request
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Authorization': f"{token}"

# Define the URL for the CrossTrack API
api_url = ''

# Read the Google Sheets CSV file and parse it as a CSV
data = pd.read_csv(google_sheets_csv_url)

# Iterate through the DataFrame rows
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    phone_number = row[0]
    message = row[1]

    # Create the payload for the API request
    payload = {
        'phone': phone_number,
        'body': message,
        'device': device

    # Send the message using the CrossTrack API
    response =, headers=headers, json=payload)

    # Check if the API request was successful
    if response.status_code == 200:
        print(f"Message sent to {phone_number}: {message}")
        print(f"Failed to send message to {phone_number}: {response.text}")

print("Finished sending messages")
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Send media messages

In this example, we will create a different program called to send multiple image media messages to different phone numbers loaded from a Google Sheets document.

In order to send a media message, the easiest way is to provide a file download URL. If your file is not already uploaded somewhere, you can upload the file to Google Drive and make the file publicly available to be downloaded by the API in order to send it later.

Example download URL from a public file in Google Drive:
Important: the given download URL must return the file binary content, otherwise it will fail.

Create a new file named in your project directory and add the following code:

import requests
import csv
from io import StringIO

# Replace this with the URL of your published Google Sheets CSV file
# See the indications above to obtain the Google Sheets download URL to enter here
google_sheets_csv_url = 'ENTER_GOOGLE_SHEETS_CSV_URL_HERE'

# Set the download URL of the file to be sent.
# The file must be publicly accessible from the Internet and return the file binary content
# You can also upload a local file in Google Drive and make the file publicly available for download
# Accepted file formats are: images (JPEG, WEBP, PNG), video (MP4), audio (MP3, OGG) and documents (PDF, XLSX, DOCX, ZIP...)
file_url = ''

# Replace this with your API token
# Get your API token here: YOUR_CONSOLE_URL/apikeys

# Optionally specify the target device ID connected to the API
# you want to use for messages delivery (24 characters hexadecimal value)

# Define headers for the API request
headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': f'{token}'

# Define URLs for the API
base_url = ''
url = f'{base_url}/messages'
files_url = f'{base_url}/files'

def upload_file(url):
    body = {'url': url}
        response =, json=body, headers=headers)
        return response.json()['id']
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
        if error.response.status_code == 409 and error.response.json():
            return error.response.json()['meta']['file']
        print(f'Failed to upload file: {error.response.text}')
        return None

def normalize_phone(phone):
    return f"+{phone.replace('\\D', '')}"

def send_message(phone, message, file):
    body = {
        'phone': phone,
        'message': message.strip(),
        'device': device,
        'media': {'file': file}
        response =, json=body, headers=headers)
        print(f"==> Message created: {phone}")
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
        print(f'Failed to create message to {phone}: {error.response.text}')

def main():
        if not file_url:
            raise ValueError('Missing required fileUrl')

        print('=> Downloading Google Sheets CSV file...')
        response = requests.get(google_sheets_csv_url)
        data = response.text
        records = csv.reader(StringIO(data))

        print('=> Uploading file...')
        file_id = upload_file(file_url)
        if not file_id:
            raise ValueError('Failed to upload file: check the error')

        print('=> Processing messages...')
        for phone, message in records:
            if not phone or not message:

            number = normalize_phone(phone)
            if number and len(number) >= 8 and message:
                send_message(number, message, file_id)

    except ValueError as error:
        print(f'Error: {error}')
    except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error:
        print(f'Error: {error.response.text}')

if __name__ == "__main__":
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Replace the Google Sheets URL to export as CSV

In the and files, make sure you have replaced the Google Sheets CSV URL and your actual CrossTrack API token:

# Replace this with the URL of your published Google Sheets CSV file
google_sheets_csv_url = 'ENTER_GOOGLE_SHEETS_CSV_URL_HERE'

See the indications above to obtain the Google Sheets download URL to enter here.

Replace the API token

In the file, make sure you have defined the API token of your actual CrossTrack account:

# Replace this with your CrossTrack API token

Optionally, if you have multiple WhatsApp numbers connected in your CrossTrack account, you can specify which WhatsApp number you want to use for the messages delivery by specifying the CrossTrack unique device ID (24 characters hexadecimal value) in the following line:

# Optionally specify the target WhatsApp device ID connected to CrossTrack
# you want to use for messages delivery (24 characters hexadecimal value)

Run the program

Before running the program, if you plan to send hundreds of messages in a row, we recommend to define a lower messages delivery speed per minute no more than 2-3 messages per minute to prevent ban issues due to anti-spam policies by WhatsApp. Learn more about best practices and how to reduce risk here.

Run the program in the cloud

You can run the program in the cloud for free in without installing any software on your computer.

Simply create a new project and copy & paste the provided code, then click on "Run" to send the messages. It is that simple 😀

Run the program on your computer

Open a terminal in your project directory and run the following command to execute the or script:


Similarly, you can run the script in order to send media messages:


If everything is set up correctly, you should see output indicating the messages have been created successfully:

=> Message created: +1234567890
=> Message created: +1234567890
=> Message created: +1234567890

Note messages will be added to your number's message delivery queue and delivered asynchronously in background over time based on your number's subscription message delivery speed per minute limit or the manually configured delivery speed you have defined in your number's settings.

Messages may take several minutes or hours, depending on how much you have created, to be effectively delivered to the target phone numbers via WhatsApp. You can monitor the progress fo the messages delivery in the web panel or automatically by using webhook events.


In this tutorial, you learned how to send messages to phone numbers stored in a Google Sheets CSV file using Python and the CrossTrack API.

You can update the Google Sheets document and run the program again anytime you want to send new messages through your CrossTrack connected WhatsApp number.

You can further customize the script to handle additional columns, create different types of messages, or integrate it with your own software as needed.

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